2 blocks, 2 bolsters, strap
Principles of emphasis: 1st, 2nd, 5th,, shoulder loop Heart Quality: Courage
Principles of emphasis: 1st, 2nd, 5th,, shoulder loop Heart Quality: Courage
L stand hands on [wall] 3x
[strap] Urdhva hastasana –lower hands a little
behind back (work on getting elbows straight)
L stand handstand [wall]
½ surya namaskar 3x (watch elbows get the joints straight)
Down dog. Hands outer shoulder distance apart index fingers facing forward.
Melt heat.
Table shalabasana straight joints. Front hand into handstand position wrist
flexed. Index finger points straight up. Don't bend bottom arm. Press index
knuckle down and take weight off outer corner of wrist so weight is even in 4 corners.
Dd straight arms and legs. Step foot a foot in and do little kick ups don't
bend elbows or top leg 3x don't kick from the heel kick from hips. Kicking up to handstand
requires straight elbows and straight legs. Often people bend the top leg when
they kick. If you do this you'll lose your power.
Uttanasana- Lunge
Uttanasana- Lunge
Uttanasana- low lunge quad stretch
Uttanasana- anjaneyasana- ardha hanumanasana [2 blocks]
Hanumanasana [block]
Tadasana - urdhva hadasana look at elbows are the vertical? If you’re in
handstand and your elbows aren’t vertical you'll dump in heels of wrists.
Cartwheels (Lift arms, plant hands, kick cartwheel)
Kick into handstand 5x [at wall] (lift arms, plant hands, kick handstand) I
normally am against kicking up like this because you cant focus on arm
alignment as well, but sometimes students need this moment to learn to kick up.
Are your elbows bending? Bending in arms is loss of will power and often leads
to fear.
If still can't get up use [2 bolsters] up the wall get a running start and
through yourself up the wall with straight arms and top leg.
Pec stretch at wall
Bridge/ urdhva danurasana
[Strap] ground femur bone- gallopers twist