Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Remember to fall in LOVE

Last week my husband and I took a painting class from a good friend of mine. I am no painter. I always try to hard to think of what I want to create and it never ends up looking close to that image in my head. The teacher asked us to choose one of the photos she had set out for us of sunsets. I selected a red sun set over the ocean. As I was painting I was slightly frustrated that my colors were not blending the way I wanted them to. Just then she said to the class

"remember to fall in love with your painting at every stage, it will never be this way again"

That hit my heart hard! I wait and reserve my love or appreciation until the end and only if I like the end result. This reminder of loving the process no matter how messy it might be in the moment was so powerful.

I realized this trait of mine with painting blends into every aspect of my life. I will be happy when.... We have enough money, the car is fixed, the children are grown and don't misbehave, when I lose the baby weight, when I get that next certification, when we are on that vacation... Looking back I see those same reservations and when I get to "the end" I am already onto the next thing... the husband, the kids, the house, the certification, the weight loss, the events... whatever it is.

I was reminded that night and I am continuing to remind myself daily to LOVE this life, this moment, this mess, this frustration, this joy.. because it will never be this way again,. This is life! To live it. To love it. To be useful to others. Because we never know what moment could change things and to not reserve my happiness for a later date or a completed check list.

Being a dedicated student of yoga I believe my dharma is to alchemize my soul to grow and learn and help others. I study, I read, I practice, I teach, I forget. and I am incredibly grateful for all the little reminders I get to wake up to my path and continue my souls journey of LOVE.

Thank you Sarah for always reminding me to be in the love, to ditch the lists, and love the process. Check out Sarah's blog here.

Thank you for being here and reading

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My Intention It is my intention as a yoga teacher to help you bring more health and vibrancy to your body, ease and alertness to your mind...