Sunday, October 29, 2017

Loving who you are while you are improving!

I have heard so many times either someone say they are not into personal development and have no interest changing themselves because they like who they are.
I have heard people make assumptions that I don’t like who I am because I am into personal transformation.
If you love where you are in life that is awesome!
That is something I hand worked on a lot the past 10 years. Now mor...e days then not I really do love the person I am!.
That said. I never want to stop growing! I never want to stop learning! Learning how to Love move and without needing anything back in return. I never want to stop learning to more patient, kind, less judgmental...
So yes. I am all about self love! Self worth! Self acceptance! Body positive!

I love where I am in the moment, in the messy reality of my life and potty training😂 (most of the time) however I am also loving the journey of transformation, by showing up consistently in little ways everyday so I can be the best human I can be. Hopefully by continuing to grow my soul, and uncover my true essence I can help make the world a better place.

That’s something my dad as always taught me “how are you going to make the world a better place Kim?” one of my answers is👉 by doing my own healing, I can help others heal and in healing I can show up kinder and more useful. .

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Testimonials & My Intention

My Intention It is my intention as a yoga teacher to help you bring more health and vibrancy to your body, ease and alertness to your mind...