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Elizabeth demonstrating Side bodies long and inner body bright. |
I am so grateful to have been apart of this experience. It was amazing to watch these strong women take in this new information, digest it and put it into practice in the air. They are so strong and graceful. It was so clear to see when they were and were not doing shoulder loop and how much more ease it looked like it added to their movement.

The Shoulder Loop: What It
Shoulder loop is one of the seven loops on Anusara yoga. It starts in the upper palate, flowing backward to the base of your skull, draws down to the bottom of your shoulder blades and then the shoulder blades go in and up to the heart and ends where it started at your palate, lifting your chest and opening your throat.
Releases the tension in the neck, stretches the chest, strengthens the back and makes room for more breath. Shoulder loop also aligns your arms with your shoulder joints, stabilizing the collarbones and shoulder blades. The loop gives your shoulders the widest range of motion without risking injury to your neck or shoulders. The aerial students were very excited about this last function.
Actions of shoulder loop.
By integrating these movements of your shoulders, the loop aligns and opens your shoulder girdle and chest. These combined actions result in opening the space of your heart. Before doing these steps Open to Grace by lengthening the Side bodies and expanding the inner body bright which will broaden the collar bones. This will bring the body into a natural place to take shoulder loop. Now... draw the head of the arm bones back, slide your shoulder blades down your back, press the lower tips of your shoulder blades forward into the bottom of your heart and lift your chest, slide your throat back so that your head and neck are aligned with the central axis of your body. Feel how magical optimal alignment is!
Open to grace/ come into neutral with side bodies long (sbl) and inner body bright (ibb)
Shoulder loop: starts in palate of mouth draws back and down skull, draws shoulder blades down and forward to lift heart and then comes back up to meet in the palate of the mouth.
Repetition it's the same alignment in every pose. Optimal alignment in Tadasana and in real life is what we are building in every pose.
30 minute warm up:
Interlace hands in front of chest- over head sbl IBB - half moon stretch
Uttanasana- ardha utt.- high runners lunge twist
Interlace hands in front of chest- over head sbl IBB shoulder blade tips down and back - half moon stretch
Uttanasana- ardha utt- hrl twist
Pec stretch at wall
Prone pec stretch - Prone quad stretch - Bridge 3x
Pincha prep in table
lunge clasp hands behind back
Thread needle
Prone pec stretch
thread needle