Thursday, August 5, 2010

Restorative Yoga Class

Tonight was great because I had an opportunity to teach a restorative yoga class called “relax and release” at Flow Yoga SLC. I have taken this class a few time and I have subbed this class a few years ago and the class reminded me very much of a gentle yoga class. My new understanding of Anusara especially my knowledge about therapeutics made me really excited to sub this class. I am an avid reader of Maria Cristina’s blog and she often writes about her restorative classes. In her classes from what I can tell she offers as many as I would say 5 poses and as few as 3 in a 90 minute class. The reason for this is using multiple props to help hold the body with the universal principles of alignment and then allowing the body to completely surrender onto the floor, props, chairs… for a duration of 5-15 mins. I didn’t want to totally shook the class with only 4 poses so we did move a little in the beginning. It was really great experience I overheard students saying I feel so restored yeah. I did notice as the students we holding some of these supported poses past 2 mins they started to twitch.

So that’s what we did:
Tadasana ½ moon stretch, AMS
anjaneyasana twist
Moving bridge
Supta pigeon
Supported bound sputa baddha konasana (bolster, blocks, blanket)
Legs up wall (bolster,strap)
(I wanted to do a long supported twist but didn’t have time)
Shavasana (bolster)

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Testimonials & My Intention

My Intention It is my intention as a yoga teacher to help you bring more health and vibrancy to your body, ease and alertness to your mind...