- Upa: 3 aspects of muscular energy
- Apex: ashtavakrasana
- Theme: use your practice to deepen your relationship with yourself and cultivate self love
- Antidote: muscular energy is a contraction, an embrace a self hug
- Heart quality: self love
- -warm up-
Tad- utt- ardha utt- high runners lunge fingers in line with front heel lift back thigh root front thigh- AMS- vinyasa- second foot steps forward through high runners lunge - utt - tad
"" low lunge twist
"" anjaneyasana
- -Teach 1st aspect of muscle energy: muscle to bone-
- Tad- star
- W2 feel front leg how it is easier to engage all sides of thigh and engage back leg
- Star straight legs engage all sides of leg toning muscle to bone feel with hands- prasarita padotonasana (we practice self love self care by never stretching without actively engaging first)
- Utt
- Utk knee caps lifting isometrically drag heels back to engage hamstrings
- Standing hip stretch
- vinyasa
- W1
- -teach second aspect of muscle energy: to the midline-
- Supta block btw thighs inner edges of feet touching hug midline
- Twisting core 4x
- Tadasana midline
- Standing crescent
- Tree
- Utk
- Eagle - w1 - AMS- vinyasa - tad
- -teach third aspect of muscle energy: from periphery to focal point-
- Tadasana lift up one leg apply other two aspects of muscle energy then inhale draw from foot to focal point at the core of the pelvis then exhale extend from focal point at pelvic floor back out through foot 3x Tadasana feel deference btw legs then repeat
- Uttanasana
- Lunge finger tips in line with front heel focus on back leg pulsate with breath inhale to focal point exhale back to foot
- Active pigeon
- putting it all together -
Hold outer edge of foot sit up like your having a tea party- eka hasta bhujangasana 2x
Lean back on forarms feet off floor cross legs, firm muscles to bone, sqeuze ankles, knees inner thighs together, draw from feet to pelvis then extend legs straight 2x
eka hasta bhujangasana- ashtavakrasana
- -cool down-
- Janusirsasana
- Windshield wiper (just like we take care of ourself by always engage when we stretch we also alway engage when we twist)
- Bridge
- Self hug
- Supta Tadasana legs together hands at side firm muscles, draw to midline, pull to active focal point at hips. With this full engagement this embrace of yourself allow your breath to expand 5 breaths
- -shavasana- release arms at 30 degree angle feet relaxed outer hip distance wide
- Key ques:
- *yoga is a practice of self care of self love.
- *you are worthy of your love
- *spread fingers brightly, make your hands feel alive press into knuckles.
- *when muscles burn it's like the smoke from incense that is an offering to yourself.
- *Lovingly hug muscles to bone
*anusara philosophy says, life embodiment is an expression of love
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