“Every child is born as karma to parents, but also every child is born as karma to himself or herself. There is a double action and mostly people forget this. One is the karma to parents, the other is the karma to the self. In between, a person has to develop, grow and become free.”#yogibhajan
Today was a challenging day. Where nothing bad happened but from the whinnying and complaining and resistance from these littles you would have thought so.😬
This quote helps me remember the big picture. That these tiny humans that I am blessed to raise are not MY kids, they are MY teachers and every opportunity is a teaching.
Even the refusal to brush teeth. And they are not here on earth just behave “well” but instead to learn the lessons they are meant to learn to GROW more FREE in this life and I am supposed to assist them in doing that!
One of my favorite quotes from #ramdass “we are all walking each other home”
that doesn’t mean it will be easy (it rarely is because we resist learning we resist our biggest teachers).
Sometimes it means looking past the tantrum in the middle of the parking lot and instead start looking for the lesson. The lessons that lead us to more growth and more freedom. Freedom to respond differently then our habitual patterns and neurosis.
This hopefully inspiring message coming to you after I have put the kids to bed and reflected on this ruff day and how I could have handled it a lot differently.
Live and learn #progressnotperfection