Sunday, July 14, 2013

22 weeks

Month 6

Week 22

The cabnit my wonderful husband put together + gigantic leaf for our monkey/ jungle theme nursery.

22 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of? Papaya

Baby’s development? This week, your baby weighs in at a whopping pound and measures nearly eight inches, about the size of a small doll. But your little doll (who now has eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe even some hair on that little head) is a living one who can now perceive light and dark. She can also hear your voice, your heartbeat, your gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through your body. And as her brain and nerve endings develop, she may reach for her face (or whatever she can reach) just to experiment with her newfound sense of touch. (

Gender? Boy!

Sleep? Good. I am sleeping in a cocoon of pillows.

Food cravings? Still craving Mexican food.  I have been craving savory food which goes with the old wives tail of mommas of boys crave savory while the mommas of girls crave sweets. However this week I have started craving ice-cream and sour patch kids.

What I miss? Not being able to help out more around the house. I really really want to re grout our bath room but handling grout is a big no no while pregnant.

What I love? Feeling baby boy move!

Movement? Yes!! I feel him move every day. It is the most amazing thing every. I think feeling him move inside me might be what I miss the most after he enters the world.

Best movement of the week? My best moment of the week wasn’t necessarily a moment but just part of the week. I feel really on point teaching. I was worried that as I can’t do as many poses or continue the same practice I had pre pregnancy I wouldn’t be as good or effective as a teacher. However I have been inspired and coming up with great sequences, have been linking in the principles to the theme nicely. I feel like I have been deconstructing some principles of alignment with the students and they seem to be responding to it really well. I have also been thinking about starting the process to become an Anusara Certified teacher.

Tyler also put together a piece of baby furniture on Saturday which made me very happy.

Symptoms? Feeling movement, nausea, back ache, heart burn, and fatigue.

Meditation? Yes every day.

Yoga? I got the okay from my midwives that I can continue to practice yoga with low lying placenta. I probably practiced 4x this week for 30-60 minutes. I focused a lot on kidney loop and side bodies long to ease my back pain and also played with handstands, forearm balance, and headstands.

Hypnobabies? I just finished up my first week of hypnobabies my childbirth prep class that teaches deep relaxation. I alternate between 2 cd tracks a week. One of the tracks this week was creating a safe place to go and where I got to imagine holding and talking to my baby. It was such a treat. I have really been looking forward to these 40 minute sessions.

Appointments? I had my midwife this appointment week. In the birth center there are 4 midwifes that I work with and whatever one will be the one I have my birthing time (hypnobabies term) with. At this appointment I worked with the finale midwife I hadn’t met yet. I loved her. She was so knowledgeable and I was feeling nervous about a few things and she made me feel really good about gaining weight and about my placenta. It was a really great appointment. I have another ultra sound scheduled for the last Monday in July to keep an eye on the placenta.

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Testimonials & My Intention

My Intention It is my intention as a yoga teacher to help you bring more health and vibrancy to your body, ease and alertness to your mind...